2024/12/5, 5th December 2024
Balance バランス
– Concealment Expert visibility reduction changed from -15% to -10%
– Submarine Torpedoes Hit Chance reduced from 0%/+1%/+1.5%/+2% to 0%/+0.5%/+1%/+1.5%
– Anechoic Tiles visibility reduction changed from -25% to -20%
– Submarine Snorkels visibility reduction changed from -7%/-15% to -7%/-13%
– Increased the amount of factory and dockyard output penalties when hitting max MEFO penalty
– BEL: Added Weekly Manpower to The Belgian Legion.
– Balancing the Prioritize Economic Growth branch by adding Civilian Economy trade law and slightly re-arranging the reduction of Consumer Goods Factory factories through focuses
– If Germany completes the focus “Seek to the Eastern Front”, Poland will be more willing to join an alliance with them
- 「Concealment Expert」の減少率を -15% から -10% に削減した
- 潜水艦魚雷の命中率を 0% / 1% / 1.5% / 2% から 0% / 0.5% / 1% / 1.5% に変更
- 「Anechoic Tiles」(無響タイル)の視認性低下率を -25% から -20% に変更
- これ、強いですよね。 -20% でもまだ強そう。-15% くらいならレーダーつけるかな自分は。
- 潜水艦シュノーケルの視認性低下率を -7%/-15% から -7%/-13% に変更
- シュノーケルよりレーダー派なんであんまり使いませんが、2代目シュノーケルがわずかに弱体化
- メフォ手形のペナルティが最大になった際の工場と造成所の出力ペナルティを増加
- BEL(ベルギー):ベルギー軍団に週間兵力を追加(毎週人的資源が増える)
- HOI4そろそろ人口差の問題をマクロ的観点で解決させてほしい。たとえば、師団数が多いほど政治力(お金)獲得が減る、徴兵率と実際の動員率にギャップがあるほどペナルティなど
- バランスと経済成長の為に「Civilian Economy trade」(民間貿易を追加?自由貿易と違う?)を追加た。消費財の為の民需工場の必要量の低減をアレンジできる
- ドイツのフォーカス「Seek to the Eastern Front」(東部戦線に目を向ける?、メーメル要求のやつかな)を完了した場合、ポーランドは alliance(連合国?)により積極的に参加するようになる
- 今たまにポーランドが連合に参加しないことありますもんね
– AI correctly resets its desire to unlock army/navy/air spirits when unlocking a spirit
- AIは陸軍・海軍・空軍精神を解除する場合、その解除要求を正しくリセットするようにする
- よくわからん
– Added a new European President cosmetic tag flag and made the 3 versions all use one central tag. Changed adjective from Dutch / Belgian / Austrian to European.
– Added a game option to use silhouette portraits for German leadership and focuses.
- 新しい欧州大統領の化粧タグの旗を追加し、3つのバージョンすべて1つの中央タグを使用するようにした。形容詞をオランダ・ベルギー・オーストリアからヨーロッパに変更
- 全くよくわからん
- ゲームオプションにドイツのリーダーシップとフォーカスに肖像画を使用するオプションを追加
- 先のアップデートでデフォーカスのボタンに装飾が入ったけど、この装飾に肖像画足せる感じ?
– Fixed transport planes description text
– Fixed CTD caused by incorrect update sequence
– Fixed typo in German Scientist’s name Helmuth Walter
– Fix AI sometimes not moving its troops after a civil war starts
– Fixed typo in German city Würzburg.
– Fixed typo in Bormann’s trait.
– Fixed typo in effect tooltip of German focus Strike Eastward.
– Fixed various issues with spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies in African Union events.
– Fixed an issue where Romania would be blocked in their focus “Split Yugoslavia” due to Debar not being targetable by the subsequent decisions.
- 輸送機の説明文を修正
- 誤ったシーケンスによるCTDが発生する不具合を修正
- 何かクラッシュするやつかな
- ドイツ人科学者のHelmuth Walterの名前typoを修正
- 内政開始後にAIが軍隊を動かさないことがあったのを修正
- ドイツの都市「Wurzburg」(ウルツブルグ)の誤字を修正
- Bormann’s(ボルマン)の特徴の誤字を修正
- ドイツのフォーカス「Strike Eastward」の効果ツールチップの誤字を修正
- アフリカ連合のイベントにおけるスペルミスや文法の平仄統一
- ルーマニアのフォーカス「ユーゴスラビア分割」で「Debar」がターゲットにならなず、フォーカスが進まない問題を修正
– Austrian decisions should no longer annex tho overlords via decisions targeting their puppets
– Fixed a spelling error in the Luxembourgish election event.
– Added Schleswig to the Yalta Conference to better resemble a historical post-war Germany
– Fixed an issue where non-Götterdämmerung Hungary would accidentally bypass their focus “Protect Czechoslovakia”.
– Slovakia won’t receive Slovak states if they’re controlled by someone else, and neither will Poland. Poland won’t receive Zaolzie if Germany partitions Czechoslovakia with Hungary if Germany and Poland are at war with each other
– Fixed an issue where Turkey was locked out of joining a faction with a Monarchist Germany when having the Götterdämmerung dlc enabled.
– Fixed an error where two unique German traits could be randomly generated for characters.
– Fixed an error where a Greek Admiral had an army trait incorrectly assigned to him.
– Italy’s decision to support the Hungarian claim to Vojvodina will now also work in historical scenarios.
– Fixed an incorrect naming syntax for a constitutional Kingdom of Hungary.
– Albania now gets the correct party name when Wilhelm of Wied becomes their country leader.
– Fixed a misspelled name for a German Mine Clearing vehicle.
– BEL: Legacy of the Great War requires you to be at war.
- list
– Austrian decisions should no longer annex tho overlords via decisions targeting their puppets
– Fixed a spelling error in the Luxembourgish election event.
– Added Schleswig to the Yalta Conference to better resemble a historical post-war Germany
– Fixed an issue where non-Götterdämmerung Hungary would accidentally bypass their focus “Protect Czechoslovakia”.
– Slovakia won’t receive Slovak states if they’re controlled by someone else, and neither will Poland. Poland won’t receive Zaolzie if Germany partitions Czechoslovakia with Hungary if Germany and Poland are at war with each other
– Fixed an issue where Turkey was locked out of joining a faction with a Monarchist Germany when having the Götterdämmerung dlc enabled.
– Fixed an error where two unique German traits could be randomly generated for characters.
– Fixed an error where a Greek Admiral had an army trait incorrectly assigned to him.
– Italy’s decision to support the Hungarian claim to Vojvodina will now also work in historical scenarios.
– Fixed an incorrect naming syntax for a constitutional Kingdom of Hungary.
– Albania now gets the correct party name when Wilhelm of Wied becomes their country leader.
– Fixed a misspelled name for a German Mine Clearing vehicle.
– BEL: Legacy of the Great War requires you to be at war.
– Austrian decisions should no longer annex tho overlords via decisions targeting their puppets
– Fixed a spelling error in the Luxembourgish election event.
– Added Schleswig to the Yalta Conference to better resemble a historical post-war Germany
– Fixed an issue where non-Götterdämmerung Hungary would accidentally bypass their focus “Protect Czechoslovakia”.
– Slovakia won’t receive Slovak states if they’re controlled by someone else, and neither will Poland. Poland won’t receive Zaolzie if Germany partitions Czechoslovakia with Hungary if Germany and Poland are at war with each other
– Fixed an issue where Turkey was locked out of joining a faction with a Monarchist Germany when having the Götterdämmerung dlc enabled.
– Fixed an error where two unique German traits could be randomly generated for characters.
– Fixed an error where a Greek Admiral had an army trait incorrectly assigned to him.
– Italy’s decision to support the Hungarian claim to Vojvodina will now also work in historical scenarios.
– Fixed an incorrect naming syntax for a constitutional Kingdom of Hungary.
– Albania now gets the correct party name when Wilhelm of Wied becomes their country leader.
– Fixed a misspelled name for a German Mine Clearing vehicle.
– BEL: Legacy of the Great War requires you to be at war.